A wise woman told me these would be the longest days but the shortest years of my life. Already I am seeing this to be true. But tonight, as I reflect over the ups and downs of the last half year, I am overwhelmed by God's faithful provision...
He provided wisdom when MJ was past due and the doctors wanted to induce.
He provided a way for me to give birth in a hospital of our choice, surrounded by medical staff trained to bring MJ into this world the way we had hoped.
He provided a beautiful baby boy on December 31, with 10 little fingers and 10 little toes.
He provided family and friends to serve and love us when we came home.
He provided "mother's instinct" when MJ was sick but the doctor said nothing was wrong.
He provided an amazing ER doctor to finally diagnose our sweet 4-week old boy.
He provided a surgeon renowned for his work with infants, and steadied his hands as he operated on our little angel.
He provided energy when sleep alluded us.
He provided meals through dozens of friends surrounding us.
He provided grace and forgiveness when our efforts just weren't enough.
He provided answers to prayers, some prayed dozens of times over, and some were prayed by others on our behalf.
He provided smiles and coos to replace crying and tears.
He provided two little arms to wrap around my neck, and a head full of dark hair to rest on my shoulder.
He provides joy as we watch our son discover the world.
He provides laughter as we see the world through the eyes of an infant.
He provides awe as we marvel at what He has made...
He provided a beautiful miracle named MJ.
Happy Half-Birthday, Sweet Son. You have brightened my world more than I could ever have imagined, and I'm so thankful God provided you to me. I love being your mommy!